Analysis — Page 146

7 Things: "March for Our Lives" is a massive success, Republicans want Ivey on a debate stage, A porn star is the latest hope for Trump hating-Democrats, and more …

VIDEO: Teacher carry goes down — Stormy times for the president — AL Sheriffs continue to scrimp on food … and more on Guerrilla Politics!

7 Things: $1.3 trillion dollar spending bill passes, Macedonians for Roy Moore, a tiny victory for school security, and more …

7 Things: Republicans heading towards huge spending bill, Congressman Rogers unfairly attacked, Sen. Jones speaks on gun control, and more …

7 Things: A good guy with a gun stops a school shooting, Austin bombing suspect is dead, Mobile councilman wants to copy California on gun control, and more …

7 Things: Trump will not fire Mueller, Etowah County Sheriff is targeted by legislator, Clinton can't stop the stupid, and more …

7 Things: Democrats want to hire disgraced FBI deputy, storm trackers enter Alabama ahead of severe weather, bill to allow teachers to carry to get a floor debate, and more …

7 Things: 'Bama lawmaker believes women are 'scared of guns,' Trump sanctions Russia, UAB shooter identified, and more …

7 Things: Tillerson is out, arming teachers bill gets hearing, students plan walkout today, and more ...