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Caroleene Dobson: Men participating in women’s sports is ‘ultimate violation of women’s rights’

This week, Republican nominee for Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District, Caroleene Dobson, resolutely pledged to fight any proposed changes to Title IX that would allow men to compete in women’s sports.

As the 2024 Olympic Games draw to a close, audiences worldwide witnessed the controversy over a Women’s Boxing match that reignited the conversation for Title IX protections, which the Biden-Harris administration is actively attempting to weaken.

Dobson said she’s committed to safeguarding the integrity of women’s sports, arguing that altering Title IX to permit biological males to compete in female sporting events undermines decades of progress and sacrifices made by female athletes.

“Female athletes from grade school to college to professional ranks devout countless hours, efforts, and sweat to developing their skills and talents, but all of that sacrifice will be wasted if males are allowed to compete in female sports,” Dobson said. “The decision of whether each of us is a man or woman was already made by God before we were born, so allowing a man to simply declare a female and enter competition is the ultimate violation of women’s rights.”

RELATED: Tuberville, Britt support call for NCAA to require that only ‘biologically female students’ compete in women’s sports

Title IX, enacted by Congress in 1972, was designed to protect Americans from sex-based discrimination in education programs or activities receiving federal funding. The Biden-Harris administration’s proposal to include “gender identity” as a protected class within Title IX has been met with extreme opposition from conservatives in line with the viewpoint of most Americans.

Dobson also challenged her opponent, Democrat candidate Shomari Figures, to clarify his stance on the issue. She highlighted that Figures has received substantial donations from groups and individuals advocating for the inclusion of gender identity under Title IX.

Dobson pointed out that during Figures’ tenure as a White House Liaison to the U.S. Justice Department, the department issued a 25-page opinion which “unilaterally declared that Title IX allows biological males to access female restrooms and locker rooms to compete in female sporting events.”

“Under the Biden/Harris proposal, Bruce Jenner, who won gold in the 1976 Olympic men’s decathlon and now lives as Caitlyn Jenner, could have competed against women in school,” said Dobson. “Even Jenner is publicly opposing changes to Title IX because they are patently unfair and violate the spirit of competition.”

Grant Burdette is a contributing writer for Yellowhammer News. 

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