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Byrne slams Cory Booker over Sessions racism claims: ‘Campaign is over, and you lost.’


Senator Jeff Sessions faced an intense round of questioning on Tuesday at his confirmation hearing for Attorney General. Today he awaits an unprecedented testimony against him, brought by colleague Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), and South Alabama Congressman Bradley Byrne is coming to his defense.

Sen. Booker, says that he is testifying against Sessions over concerns of racism allegations, which have been widely debunked. His testimony would mark the first time a Senator has ever spoken against a colleague during a confirmation hearing.

“It’s unfortunate that we now have Senators testifying against other senators when they have been nominated for a key position,” he said during an appearance on C-SPAN Monday morning.

Byrne went on to list several cases in which Sessions actively fought against systematic racism, pointing to cases where he “took out” the KKK and corrupt public officials.

“I just don’t understand where he’s coming from. Those of us that know Jeff Sessions because he’s one of us, he was our U.S. Attorney in Mobile for 12 years,” Rep. Byrne said.

“This is a man of principle who knows how to effectively enforce the law. That’s what we want, and he never uttered a single word or said anything that would intimate any sort of racism.”

Later in the program, Rep. Byrne said he believed that Sen. Booker’s decision to testify against Sessions has more to do with policy disagreements than anything.

“Policy differences are what we get into the legislative branch,” said Byrne. “I would say to Senator Booker, you got policy differences with President-elect Trump. Campaign is over, and you lost.”

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