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Byrne rallies support for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act — ‘The crisis is real’

Congressman Bradley Byrne (AL-01) on Tuesday afternoon took to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to speak in favor of the Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act, which he introduced last year with Congressman Ted Budd (R-NC).

Approximately 12 of Byrne’s colleagues also were set to speak in support of the bill.

According to a previous release from Byrne’s office, the bill creates a “new legal right for any individual, spouse, or child who is a victim of a violent crime or felony caused by an illegal immigrant to sue the responsible sanctuary city or jurisdiction.”

The proposal also reportedly “requires jurisdictions to waive immunity for these cases as a condition of receiving Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and other grants.”

“The integrity of our system requires a cooperation, though sometimes a tense one, between the federal and lower governments,” Byrne said on Tuesday. “Sadly, a growing movement across many cities and jurisdictions has undermined our constitutional order and the rule of law which protects it. The result of these dangerous and misguided policies is so-called sanctuary cities.”

“These sanctuary cities do not cooperate, and even undermine, federal law enforcement from apprehending criminal aliens. The irony is that sanctuary cities become more unsafe and inhospitable to law-abiding Americans – those my colleagues and I have sworn a duty to protect,” he continued.

“These reckless policies are a danger not just to people in sanctuary cities but beyond,” Byrne lamented. “When dangerous criminals are allowed quarter in one location, it’s only a matter of time before they move to another location to continue their criminal activity. Sadly, many American citizens have been victimized, even murdered.”

The legislation has drawn the praise of President Donald J. Trump, which Byrne referenced in his floor speech.

Byrne commented, “As President Trump said about our bill, it will ‘give American victims the right to sue sanctuary cities and hold them accountable for the thousands of lives they have shattered.’ This will disincentivize sanctuary policies that fuel even more illegal immigration and harm the safety and security of Americans.”

“I have been to our Southern border. I’ve spoken directly with our ICE, CBP and other law enforcement agents there. The crisis is real,” he added. “We have thousands of miles of borders and coastline. Border security cannot stop at the border. Those who manage to sneak in, especially those with criminal histories, cannot be given a free pass once they make it across. Sanctuary cities that undermine our laws must be held accountable.”


Byrne’s full remarks as prepared as follows:

When our founding fathers began this great experiment called the United States of America, they did so with the fresh but unpleasant memories of a tyrannical and repressive monarchy. They set out to create a new system of government that served American citizens while ensuring their rights and liberties and protecting the powers of the individual states. To protect this system of federalism, certain powers were required to be vested with the federal government.

In our Constitution, our founders gave, or enumerated, in their language, specific powers to our federal government necessary to provide for a common defense, establish the rules for naturalizing new citizens, and ensure the integrity of our international borders. Controlling immigration into our country is essential for the rule of law.

The integrity of our system requires a cooperation, though sometimes a tense one, between the federal and lower governments.

Sadly, a growing movement across many cities and jurisdictions has undermined our constitutional order and the rule of law which protects it. The result of these dangerous and misguided policies is so-called sanctuary cities. These sanctuary cities do not cooperate, and even undermine, federal law enforcement from apprehending criminal aliens. The irony is that sanctuary cities become more unsafe and inhospitable to law-abiding Americans – those my colleagues and I have sworn a duty to protect.

These reckless policies are a danger not just to people in sanctuary cities but beyond. When dangerous criminals are allowed quarter in one location, it’s only a matter of time before they move to another location to continue their criminal activity. Sadly, many American citizens have been victimized, even murdered.

That’s why last year Congressman Budd and I introduced the Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act. Our bill will provide for individuals to sue sanctuary cities and jurisdictions if they are harmed in a violent crime committed by an illegal immigrant. If jurisdictions refuse to be sued, they will lose out on federal grant money.

As President Trump said about our bill, it will “give American victims the right to sue sanctuary cities and hold them accountable for the thousands of lives they have shattered.” This will disincentivize sanctuary policies that fuel even more illegal immigration and harm the safety and security of Americans.

I have been to our Southern border. I’ve spoken directly with our ICE, CBP and other law enforcement agents there. The crisis is real.

We have thousands of miles of borders and coastline. Border security cannot stop at the border. Those who manage to sneak in, especially those with criminal histories, cannot be given a free pass once they make it across. Sanctuary cities that undermine our laws must be held accountable.

I thank my colleagues for joining with me today to speak out on this problem and call for action on the Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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