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Britt, Tuberville reintroduce immigration bill

U.S. Sens. Katie Britt and Tommy Tuberville joined a group of Republican senators to introduce the Immigration Reform Act of 2023.

The act is an attempt “to restore integrity to the immigration parole statute amid ongoing misuse by the executive branch,” according to a news release.

The proposed bill would clarify that immigration parole may not be given according to criteria that describes whole groups of potential parolees and it will also define clearly what qualifies as an “urgent humanitarian reason” or “significant public benefit.”

“There is no doubt that there is an unprecedented humanitarian and national security crisis at the border, and it’s devastating families and communities across America,” said Britt (R-Montgomery). “In addition to the Biden Administration’s weak border agenda, the President’s continued abuse of our immigration system is only compounding the problem. The chaotic combination of lawless catch-and-release and expansive parole practices must end.”

The act would also make clear the timing and extension of parole.

“The Biden administration is using dangerous loopholes to let more illegal immigrants into the country,” said Tuberville (R-Auburn). “Giving parole to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants artificially decreases the number of apprehensions at the border and instead allows them right into the country.”

In 1952, immigration parole was made to allow the executive branch to temporarily give individuals entry into the country on a case by case basis. This would only occur for “urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.”

“The American people are smarter than President Biden thinks and can see through this abuse of power,” Tuberville said. “I am proud to join this legislation that clarifies executive parole authority to ensure the Department of Homeland Security enforces our immigration laws.

“We shouldn’t have to pass a law requiring DHS to do its job, but I’m committed to doing what it takes to secure our southern border and hold our leaders accountable.”

Austen Shipley is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News.

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