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Britt: ‘Tough conversations’ needed for ‘tough decisions’

Alabama’s newly elected freshman senator said she’s ready for the challenge of making a difference on Capitol Hill.

U.S. Sen. Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) joined “Fox News Sunday” to talk about what she’s learned so far and what she hopes to accomplish in the future.

“To have been here as an intern and then now to come back and my name be on the door, the gravity of that, is pretty remarkable,” Britt said. “To have the opportunity to have learned and to have been here, to have met people, to have built relationships, to have seen things work, and many times not, and now to have a shot to be a part of that, a part of making our nation better and stronger, it’s truly the honor of a lifetime.”

The senator discussed what it means to be a lawmaker while also raising young children.

“One of the things that we look at is I think about the sacrifice of so many people across our nation,” she said. “And so this is a sacrifice obviously for our family, to be away, but it pales in comparison to that of our servicemen and women who are gone overseas many times for months on end. Some of them never actually having the opportunity to return home.

“You think about people who are pulling 12-hour shifts or people who are working two jobs to make ends meet for their children, to be able to provide. So what it puts in perspective is everybody across this country has a story and everybody is giving it their all to make things work.”

Britt said she hopes more people in her generation will stand up to make a difference.

“Whether it’s school boards or the United States Senate,” she said, “you see people from my generation saying ‘it’s time, it’s time for us to do my part, it’s time to contribute, it’s time for us to be a part of the conversation.’ And so, number one – we need you, and number two – be unafraid to fail.”

The freshman lawmaker also talked about what she really hopes to accomplish for Alabama and the country.

“I think it is critically important at this time in our history that we have people that are willing to have tough conversations, so that they can make tough decisions, so that we can face our challenges head on,” she said. “And so I know in doing that that you have to build relationships because nothing is done by one single person or alone, and building those based on trust and respect is critically important.

“I hope that people will see me as one of those people that … is working each and every day to move the ball down the field so that the people of the nation and the state will be better as a result of my service.”

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee

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