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Britt spokesman: Open borders not ‘more humane’ or ‘pro-immigrant’

This week, the national left-wing immigration organization Boundless released a list of what it called the “Top 10 most anti-immigrant” senatorial candidates.

According to their website, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate candidate Katie Britt made the list for being “a staunch supporter of securing America’s borders, Katie Britt wants to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, bring back Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy, and supports increasing military spending and Border Patrol funding.”

Wednesday on WVNN’s “The Yaffee Program,” Britt spokesman Sean Ross reacted to the candidate being called “anti-immigrant.”

“This notion that Democrats’ open border, mass migration policies are pro-immigrant in the sense that they’re more humane or compassionate has just been totally proven false by the disaster seen under Biden,” Ross said. “We’re having record numbers of immigrants die at our southwestern border, whether they’re drowning, whether it’s because of the cartels, whether it’s because of the violent crime in general, some of the drug mule activity that you see that kills people, that’s no human, that’s not pro-immigrant.

“I mean you’re killing people, women and children too, it’s an awful thing … these people have just totally lost their minds and it’s not ending anytime soon it seems.”

Ross admitted there needs to be immigration reform, but the reform has to be one that makes sense for Alabama and the country.

“On the legal immigration front,” he said, “we have important changes we need to make that put American workers and families first so that American wages are rising, especially at this moment where you have inflation greatly outpacing wage growth so that real wage growth is down in a big way devastating families. The more legal migrants that come in for jobs that could be filled by Americans, American wages are being suppressed. That’s not a good thing.”

He detailed what Britt would like immigration reform to look like.

“We should be prioritizing skills based migration over diversity visas, over family chains,” he saiud. “Those things don’t achieve strategic priorities for our country. We need to bring people in for jobs that we cannot currently fill with Americans, of course. You do that in a very measured sensible way, but just this blind bringing people in of ‘well we have to fill this quota for geography or we have to fill this quota for x and y,’ that has nothing to do with making our country stronger doesn’t make any sense.”

Ross said Democrats just want to pass amnesty for illegal immigrants instead of trying to secure the border.

“Their idea of immigration reform really starts and ends with giving a total free pass to people who have broken the law and cut the line, and that’s a total non-starter,” he said. “They also just don’t think about our immigration system in a strategic sense like I think we do … they’re not thinking ‘How do we put Americans first?’ They’re thinking ‘How do we grow our voter pool?'”

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee

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