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Britt introduces bill banning U.S. government from conducting business with anti-Israel entities

In the face of growing hostility towards Jewish Americans and Jews throughout the world, U.S. Senator Katie Britt has helped to bring forward the Countering Hate Against Israel by Federal Contractors Act which would effectively ban the U.S. government from contracting entities that are boycotting Israel.

“Not a single dime of taxpayer money should support antisemitism,” said Britt. “Fulfilling our promise of ‘Never Again’ must include rooting out and condemning antisemitism in every corner of our nation, most especially in our federal government.”

“As Israel continues to fight for her people and her very existence, it is imperative we stand firm with our tremendous ally here at home.”

A close ally of the embattled Middle Eastern country, Christians United for Israel, has announced its endorsement of the legislation.

“American taxpayer dollars should not be subsidizing the effort to achieve with boycotts what Hamas seeks with bombs: the destruction of the state of Israel,” said CUFI Action Fund Chairwoman Sandra Parker. “Thirty-seven states have enacted similar policies to this legislation and it is well past time that the federal government joins them. The vast majority of American people stand with Israel, and we have a right to ensure our government’s policies match our values.”

“The signal to every boardroom should be heard loud and clear: if you give into the antisemitic BDS movement, the federal government will not do business with you.”

Alabama, along with 36 other states have passed laws or regulations opposing the boycott, divestment, or sanction (BDS) of Israel movement.

Austen Shipley is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on X @ShipleyAusten

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