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Britt: GOP needs to do ‘better job of getting our message out’

Not wasting any time in her role with the Republican National Committee, U.S. Sen.-elect Katie Britt said the party has to “get on the same page.”

Last month, Britt (R-Montgomery) was appointed by Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to serve on a new GOP Advisory Council. And, as such, Alabama’s soon-to-be junior senator is helping lay out the party’s vision for the future.

Britt recently spoke with Fox News Digital about her plan to help Republicans gain the majority in the Senate in 2024.

“It’s critically important that we operate as a team,” said Britt. “In order to win, we have got to all get on the same page and make sure that we get our message to voters. And so, whatever role that I can play in that, you better believe you can count me in.”

The Fox News story called Britt a “rising star” in the GOP, and discussed her efforts to help raise money for the party.

“We’ve seen Democrats outraise Republicans,” she said, “and so we know that every dollar counts, and we need all hands on deck when it comes to that because you have to have dollars to be able to get that message out. We believe that now is the time to have all hands on deck. And so we want to be a team player.

“I want to make sure that I’m doing everything I can to ensure … we are poised to take back the majority in 2024.”

During the first three weeks of her general election campaign, Britt raised $2.2 million, which she then used to help other Senate candidates across the country.

The senator-elect also emphasized the need for the Republican Party to reach more young voters and to make sure to stay on message.

“I believe we need new blood. We need fresh blood,” she said. “That’s why I got in this race and what Alabamians responded to. They wanted someone who is going to fight for our values and fight for our people. And so we’ve got to do a good job, and a better job of getting our message out.

“We are the party of faith, family, freedom and opportunity. We missed being able to get that message to some of the younger generation, so we’ve got to reconfigure how we do that.”

Britt believes the main way for Republicans to win future election is to make sure candidates keep their promises and actually get things done for the American people.

“Americans are looking for people to actually create results,” she said. “We see that in our state. Alabamians don’t want someone who just talks about the issues; they want someone who actually creates solutions, actually steps up and says ‘how do you create solutions, create a conversation to where we can take our nation back?’

“That’s what Americans are expecting. That’s what Republicans want, and that’s what we’re going to do between now and 2024.”

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee

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