MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Impeachment proceedings against Gov. Robert Bentley (R-Ala.) will begin next Friday, April 7 in the House Judiciary Committee, according Special Counsel Jack Sharman.
In a press release, Sharman announced that he will introduce a public report on April 7, which will be followed by hearings in the house. Bentley will be afforded the opportunity to respond and he will report to the House on May 4.
Sharman noted that the timeline is tentative.
RELATED: April report could renew calls to impeach Gov. Bentley
The governor is currently being investigated, and he is facing potential impeachment for alleged relationships forged with his former advisor Rebeckah Caldwell Mason. The House Judiciary Committee has instructed special counsel Jack Sharman to proceed with an investigation against Bentley.
In articles of impeachment filed last year, members of the House of Representatives charged the governor with neglect of duty, corruption, incompetency, and offenses of moral terpitude. The articles never made it out of the House, and Bentley has not been tried.