Bradley Byrne, Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden highlight online education resources for parents

Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-Fairhope) and Librarian of Congress Dr. Carla Hayden highlighted on Tuesday an array of digital resources available to parents who are taking on a bigger role in teaching their kids amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

“A large percentage of our children are in school virtually,” Byrne said of Alabama near the beginning of his discussion with Hayden.

“Most mom and dads like me aren’t really trained to do any of this,” he joked about the newfound responsibilities to educate many parents are finding themselves saddled with.

Hayden explained that the Library of Congress has “over 61 million” items available virtually that anyone can access.

The first resource she highlighted was the LOC’s “Engage!” web portal that collects many of the institution’s virtual events and discussions, especially those relevant to young people.

Lee Ann Potter, an education specialist that works at the Library of Congress, joined the discussion to promote the library’s Family Engagement Resources, a series of lessons and activities designed to appeal to kids age seven to 12.

Among the family engagement activities are recipes from famous Americans. Hayden said her favorites were Thomas Jefferson’s macaroni and Rosa Parks’ peanut butter pancakes.

For students going stir crazy stuck at home, the Library of Congress has gathered all of its exhibits and installations online so they can be visited virtually from anywhere in the world.

The library’s collections of important papers and letters from across American history can be accessed in a similar fashion.

“This is an invaluable addition ya’ll are making to education,” Byrne remarked in conclusion.

Henry Thornton is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can contact him by email: [email protected] or on Twitter @HenryThornton95