Liberal Judge on AEA Case Took Contributions from AEA & Their Lawyers

According to campaign disclosures on the Alabama Secretary of State’s website, Judge Charles Price has received campaign contributions from AEA’s PAC, A-Vote, and all of the attorneys who filed the lawsuit on behalf of AEA last night. Price is the Montgomery Presiding Circuit Judge who is now hearing the AEA’s request for a temporary restraining order to keep the Governor from being able to sign the GOP’s education reform bill. You can see the documentation by clicking here.

Judge Price is also the judge who ordered Judge Roy Moore to remove the 10 Commandments plaque from his courtroom. Price ruled in 1996 that prayer in the courtroom was unconstitutional, but allowed Moore’s display of the Ten Commandment to remain. But after visiting the courtroom the following year, he reversed his ruling and found that the Ten Commandment plaques violated the Establishment Clase of the Constitution.That earned him the Kennedy family’s “Award of Courage.”

With all of this in mind, is there any doubt how he will rule?

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Jeff Sessions is The Best We've Got

Cliff Sims March 05, 2013