Birmingham church targets black Trump supporters ahead of election day using racial slurs

A Birmingham church is sparking controversy over a racially-charged message critical of President Donald Trump and his African American supporters. New Era Baptist Church, a predominantly-black congregation in the city’s West End neighborhood, put up the sign as election day approaches on November 5, 2024.

The two-sided billboard was photographed on Wednesday by Yellowhammer News.

According to reports, longtime pastor of New Era Baptist Church, Michael Jordan, has recently retired as the congregation’s leader. However, his tradition of using the church to promote divisive messages lives on. Church officials, nor Jordan himself, could be reached for comment on Wednesday.

RELATED: Birmingham church sign: ‘A black vote for Trump is mental illness’

“Attention to all blacks who plan to vote for Trump you are an ignorant stupid Negro,” the sign currently reads on one side and, “Warning African Americans a vote for Trump will put blacks folks back to picking cotton,” on the other

Jordan is no stranger to displaying inflammatory messages. In 2018, he made national headlines opposing the Church of the Highlands’ decision to establish a campus in Birmingham’s inner city. The church’s sign read, “Black Folks Need to Stay Out of White Churches” on one side and, “White Folks Refused to Be Our Neighbors” on the other.

During the 2020 election cycle, the church displayed a message saying, “A black vote for Trump is mental illness,” on one side and, “A white vote for Trump is pure racism,” on the other.

Grayson Everett is the state and political editor for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on X @Grayson270