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Arrest warrant issued for Swalwell process server accused of trespassing at Mo Brooks’ home

Earlier this month, U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) finally served his colleague U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) notice of a lawsuit alleging Brooks was responsible for the January 6 Capitol Hill riot after a back-and-forth played out in the media.

The process server, Christian Seklecki of Georgia, was able to deliver service at Brooks’ home in Huntsville. However, he may have violated the law in doing so.

On Wednesday, Brooks’ office revealed Seklecki was being charged with first-degree criminal trespass, a Class A misdemeanor in Alabama, for entering Brooks’ home on June 6.

According to a release from Brooks’ congressional office, Seklecki was alleged to have illegally entered Brooks’ home and to have “accosted” his wife, Martha Brooks.

A day later, Brooks released his home surveillance video showing Seklecki interacting with Martha Brooks and entering Brooks’ home without “knowledge or permission.”

“On June 6th a process server illegally entered our home,” Martha Brooks said in a statement. “I have worked with Huntsville City Police and the Madison County District Attorney’s office and sworn out a warrant for his arrest on the charge of 1st Degree Criminal Trespass. Mo and I take our security very seriously, as do all families.  My hope is that my actions today will cause the process server to think twice before illegally invading the sanctity of someone else’s home and put those who would threaten our security on notice that we will pursue illegal actions to the fullest extent of the law.”

Mo Brooks, also a candidate for U.S. Senate in Alabama, dismissed the lawsuit in the statement and insisted he was available for process service.

“Congressman Eric Swalwell lied in his politically motivated, meritless lawsuit against President Donald Trump and me when he falsely claimed I incited the January 6th Capitol violence,” Mo Brooks said. “Swalwell’s attorneys lied again when they strutted in front of the news media like peacocks in heat and falsely accused me of avoiding Swalwell’s lawsuit service when the fact is they could have served me roughly a hundred times before, during or after both Swalwell and I voted together on the House floor, or served me by U.S. Mail to my home address. In fact, when they finally got serious about serving me with the lawsuit, they served me not once, not twice, but three times, all within one week!  So much for avoiding service or being difficult to find!”

Brooks also criticized the media for “maliciously accepting Swalwell’s narrative.”

“CNN and the Fake News Media compounded the Swalwell team lies by maliciously accepting Swalwell’s narrative without explaining that the law that puts the burden on the plaintiff to serve lawsuit papers (not the other way around), and without giving my printed rebuttals fair and balanced air time and article space.  Swalwell’s team lied again then they denied their teammate illegally trespassed into my home.  Well, the home security video, the Huntsville Police Department, the Madison County District Attorney’s office, a warrant magistrate and an arrest warrant all say differently.”

“I ask Eric Swalwell to do the honorable thing and turn his teammate into Alabama authorities so that justice may be served and he can face the consequences of his criminal actions,” he continued.

Brooks added, “My wife, Martha, was scared to death when she discovered a stranger in our home hovering over her like a hawk!  Fortunately, the fright soon turned into anger and Martha chased Swalwell’s teammate out of our house like a stray, scalded dog.  You don’t mess with Martha!  I am proud as can be to have her as my wife!”

@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University and the University of South Alabama, the editor of Breitbart TV, a columnist for Mobile’s Lagniappe Weekly, and host of Mobile’s “The Jeff Poor Show” from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. on FM Talk 106.5.

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