Anderson seeks Appeals Court seat

Rich Anderson, an appellate prosecutor for the state, is seeking the Republican Party nomination for an open seat on the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals.

The seat is currently held by Judge Chris McCool who has recently announced his candidacy for the Alabama Supreme Court.

“Judge McCool is a fine man and a good judge,” Anderson said. “In my time as an appellate prosecutor, I’ve advocated for Alabama crime victims before Judge McCool and have been impressed.”

An attorney for more than two decades, Anderson has spent the last 15 years as an assistant attorney general. During that time, he has represented the state in dozens of appeals from capital murder convictions. Anderson has also represented Alabama in federal district courts, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, and in the United States Supreme Court.

“I believe that experience counts, and that Alabamians need someone who will bring both experience and common-sense conservativism to the Court of Criminal Appeals,” Anderson said. “I’ve dedicated my career to standing up for Alabama crime victims in the appellate courts, and appellate judges should never forget that the victims of a crime also have a strong interest in making sure that each case reaches a just conclusion. I’m ready to do the hard work needed to make sure Alabamans can trust their justice system to be strong and effective.”

Anderson is a native of Montgomery, the son of former Circuit Judge Mark Anderson and Jean Anderson – the daughter of long-time Sumter County Judge of Probate Wilbur Dearman. His wife Christy is a historic preservationist for the state who has been instrumental in preserving Alabama’s historic character. They are members of St. John’s Episcopal Church in downtown Montgomery, where they were married in 2005. They are avid travelers and have long worked together to rebuild and restore historic homes.

Anderson is also active in local charities, with a particular interest in education, children’s charities, and history. Long active in Republican politics, Anderson is also a member of the Federalist Society, and an NRA life member.

“Alabama needs a true conservative on the Court of Criminal Appeals,” Anderson said. “That’s who I am, and that’s why I’m running.”

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