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ALGOP chairman to Bernie: Alabamians are not interested in your socialist ‘Free Stuff Tour’

Bernie Sanders (Photo: Phil Roeder)
Bernie Sanders (Photo: Phil Roeder)

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan on Tuesday blasted Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, accusing the self-avowed socialist senator of bringing his “Free Stuff Tour” to Birmingham and saying Alabamians do not want any part of it.

Sanders on Monday evening held a campaign rally at the historic Boutwell Auditorium, attracting a capacity crowd of 7,000 campaign supporters.

The campaign garnered some unexpected bad press though after it surfaced that the rally displaced several hundred homeless Alabamians who rely on the auditorium to be their place of refuge when temperatures drop below freezing.

“We’ve never had a night like this where it will be in the teens and we weren’t able to open,” Don Lupo of the mayor’s office of citizen’s assistance told Alabama sports website and liberal political blog al.com.

“Unfortunately, no, we do not have an alternative location and were unable to have the warming station tonight,” added Birmingham city spokeswoman April Odom. “However, we are working with local area homeless shelters and the BPD to help anyone in need to get to a shelter.”

On a night when Sanders pushed for free college, free healthcare and free housing for the poor, one of the few “free” things Alabama’s least fortunate have made available to them — a place to survive the night when temperatures plummet — was taken from them for political purposes.

Meanwhile inside the building, temperatures were so high that at least one Sanders supporter passed out, prompting the senator to take an extended break from speaking while paramedics came in to help.

“Which brings me to the issue of health care,” he joked.

ALGOP Chairman Lathan released the following statement in response to the rally:

Devout socialist Bernie Sanders brought his “2016 Free Stuff Tour” to Alabama on Monday. Senator Sanders “Berned” several hundred homeless people when they were turned away from his rally venue in Birmingham where they normally stay during dangerous freezing temperatures.

Mr. Sanders stated that the American middle class, “once the envy of this world, has been disappearing.” Stifling governmental regulations implemented by the Obama administration are applauded by the Democrat Party. These policies are a heavy burden to families who are already struggling. When businesses are caught in overreaching mandates it directly affects the workers, their incomes and families.

Alabama has no intention to be a part of the “free stuff” manifesto that Senator Sanders embraces. Our citizens demand more freedom from harsh government interventions in our lives.

As Margaret Thatcher once wisely said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money.” Mr. Sanders seems disconnected to our citizens’ pleas for more fiscal responsibility. Alabamians are not interested in joining hands with a card carrying socialist.

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