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ALGOP Chairman slams #DemDebate for ‘destructive,’ ‘harmful’ rhetoric

Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan (Photo: Mid Alabama Republican Club)
Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan (Photo: Mid Alabama Republican Club)

LAS VEGAS, Nevada — Tuesday night marked the first Democratic presidential debate hosted by CNN. Millions watched to see whether or not front-runners former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and openly-socialist opponent Bernie Sanders, would provide audiences with heated debate and uncensored rhetoric. It’s safe to say that the gloves stayed on, but the absence of several issues warranted a response from ALGOP leadership.

“They did not speak on the economy or the flat-lined job growth that citizens desperately need addressed,” said ALGOP Chairman Terry Lathan. “Contrasted with the Republican presidential candidates, many of whom have released or are soon to release their economic growth plans, the Democrats are stuck in the ditch of no ideas, are playing the blame game and have a bankrupt vision for our nation.”

Tuesday’s debate featured Lincoln Chafee, Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley, Bernie Sanders and Jim Webb.

It’s reported that the debate drew in 15.3 million viewers, compared to the 23.9 million viewers that tuned in to the first Republican debate in August.
Some were surprised by Sanders defense of Clinton’s recent email controversy surrounding the candidate during her time as Secretary of State. In where he, on stage, expressed that Americans were tired of hearing about the scandal in the media.
“I have been as transparent as I know to be, turning over 55,000 pages of my e-mails, asking that they be made public,” Clinton said. Clinton voiced blame to the congressional committee investigating the matter implying that it’s a personal attack on her credibility.
Lathan slammed the party’s candidates, saying the latest batch of Democrats displayed that they were walking the same path Barack Obama had, taking the nation down “a road that is destructive and harmful.”

“We look forward to November 2016, when we will take our nation back from the lines of thoughtless and reckless actions that have been thrust upon us.”

The Democratic primary debate was held at the Wynn resort and casino in Las Vegas before a live audience of more than 1,000.

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