When Baldwin County resident Ashley Ammons learned about the Alabama Black Belt Adventures’ Best Sporting Dog Contest, she immediately knew the photo she wanted to submit.
The photo – showing Fancy, Ammons’ Boykin spaniel, carrying a pheasant during a pheasant shoot sponsored by the Central Alabama Shooting Dog Association (CASDA) in the heart of Alabama’s Black Belt – impressed online voters in the contest, garnering nearly 750 votes to win.
“It’s always stood out to me,” Ammons said, “with the color of the pheasant and how she’s showing the proper way of carrying it and the way it focuses on her.”
Ammons will receive a prize package valued at $185, including a Filson shelter cloth dog coat, including monogramming, designed for upland bird and small game hunting and a copy of “Black Belt Bounty,” the award-winning coffee table book filled with incredible wildlife photography and artwork, spell-binding stories by award-winning writers and mouth-watering wild game recipes.
Ammons said she and her husband routinely travel to the Black Belt to visit family, including an annual fall visit to take part in a CASDA pheasant shoot each November. She often snaps photos of the dogs working, and that’s how she shot the winning photo of Fancy. “It’s a fun thing to bring your dog to train and do what they love to do,” she said.
That’s precisely the sentiment that the Best Sporting Dog Contest is designed to celebrate, said Alabama Black Belt Adventures Association director Pam Swanner.
“It’s heartwarming to see the amazing bond that exists between dog and owner,” Swanner said. “We received dozens of entries and thousands of online votes in the contest, and we appreciate everyone who entered and everyone who voted. We’re proud that our Best Sporting Dog Photo Contest places so many canine companions in the spotlight because they help make lifelong memories, both in the field and at home.”
The Black Belt includes the following 23 counties: Barbour, Bullock, Butler, Choctaw, Clarke, Conecuh, Crenshaw, Dallas, Greene, Hale, Lee, Lowndes, Macon, Marengo, Monroe, Montgomery, Perry, Pickens, Pike, Russell, Sumter, Tuscaloosa, and Wilcox.
The Alabama Black Belt Adventures Association is committed to promoting and enhancing outdoor recreation and tourism opportunities in the Black Belt in a manner that provides economic and ecological benefits to the region and its citizens.
For information, go to www.alabamablackbeltadventures.org