Alabama’s Republican National Committeeman Paul Reynolds sent out an email blast Monday morning comparing the “totalitarian government” in several recent fictional movies to the “real-world threat to the free market” that he believes is being posed by the Obama Administration.
The email blast went out from the Alabama Free Market Alliance, a conservative advocacy group founded and chaired by Reynolds.
“With the recent release of the film adaptation of the Lois Lowry novel, The Giver, and Americans both young and old clinging to Katniss Everdeen, the hero of The Hunger Games, I can’t help but think that there is a very current real world correlation to such science fiction plots,” Reynolds wrote. “In 2014, Americans are resonating with such stories and characters that involve standing up and fighting against ‘big brother’ because it is clear that Obama and his liberal agenda represent a real-world threat to the free market.”
Reynolds went on to explain that “the plot of The Giver and of The Hunger Games trilogy revolve around a totalitarian style government and the young people determined to risk their lives to defy such a government.”
He believes that such movies have made millions in recent years because people in American are starting to personally identify with the underlying themes.
“Don’t cultural trends reflect the time period in which they are produced?” Reynolds asked rhetorically. “Culturally, Americans are identifying with such fictional plots because that plot has become the real-world story for many Americans, with Obama as the narrator. Connecting with such rebellious characters reveals some ever-present trigger that makes us also feel a need to rebel.”
Reynolds had particularly harsh words for the Obama Administration’s recently-proposed energy regulations, which he says are being pushed by radical environmentalists who do not care about their impact on the economy.
“The Alabama Free Market Alliance recently conducted interviews at a radical environmentalist rally,” he wrote (view the interviews HERE). “Protestors had no reservations in justifying the loss of ‘billions’ of jobs for ‘something worthwhile’ as saving the environment. One protestor went so far as to admit that restricting the American birth rate would be a good national policy in order to leave less of an environmental footprint.”
“Like the characters we so admire, it is time to fight back against regulations and restrictions that deny common sense and strip us of our liberties,” Reynolds concluded.
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