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Alabama’s lone congressional Democrat defied her party and attended Netanyahu speech, here’s why

Terri Sewell, D-Birmingham
Terri Sewell, D-Birmingham

WASHINGTON — While dozens of Democrats boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress Tuesday of this week, Alabama’s only Democrat in Congress, Representative Terri Sewell (D-AL7) chose to attend.

“Israel is our closest ally in the Middle East and, as a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, it is especially important for me to hear Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s assessment of the growing crisis in the region,” Rep. Sewell said.

Nearly 60 members of the Democratic party, including Vice President Joe Biden, skipped out on the speech, calling it disrespectful to Obama that the President was not informed of the Prime Minister’s invitation before Netanyahu’s address was scheduled. The White House has also cited the upcoming Israeli elections, and ongoing nuclear weapons talks with Iran as reasons they did not attend. The President reportedly did not watch the speech.

Sewell agreed with some of her colleagues in the party, saying she “strongly disagreed with Speaker Boehner’s decision to circumvent the White House,” but said she decided to attend because she “believe[s] it is important to hear from America’s closest partner in the Middle East.”

“The purpose of this event should be to strengthen the unbreakable bond that ties our two nations, not to highlight any divisions that fall along party lines,” Rep. Sewell said. “I hope that today’s speech does not set a precedent, and that the Speaker works more closely with the Administration to ensure this does not happen again.”

Though House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi stated she was “insulted” by Netanyahu’s speech, it resonated strongly with Congressional Republicans, prompting many in Alabama’s delegation to speak in support of the Prime Minister’s visit.

“Netanyahu gave an excellent portrayal of the dangers associated with Iran obtaining nuclear weapons,” Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL5) said in a statement after the speech. “A nuclear Iran threatens not only Israel, but the peace of the entire world. I pray the American people, and the world, are listening”.

“The diplomatic relationship between the United States and Israel is one of America’s most important,” Congressman Gary Palmer (R-AL6) said. “This is based not just on common interests, but common values. Like America, Israel is democratic, guarantees religious freedom, and is governed by the rule of law. Like America, not only was Israel was born out of adversity, but on an idea.”

Representative Bradley Byrne (R-AL1) had a few strong words for the President in his press release about Netanyahu’s visit. “I believe President Obama could learn a thing or two from Prime Minister Netanyahu and the need for a clear strategy to defeat our nation’s enemies,” Byrne said. “In both his speech to Congress and my visit with him last year in Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu demonstrated the ability to articulate a case to the people and build consensus. I wish our President would follow his lead.”

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