‘Alabama Woods to Goods Week’ celebrates $29B forest industry

A week-long celebration has launched across the state in recognition of “Alabama Woods to Goods Week.”

The celebration, led by the Alabama Forestry Association (AFA), aims to promote the industry’s economic impact on the Yellowhammer State. In 2020, Gov. Kay Ivey proclaimed the third week in October as Alabama Woods to Goods Week to coincide with National Forest Products Week.

The forest and forest products industry contributes more than $28.9 billion to Alabama’s economy, according to AFA. Additionally, the employment of 119,272 Alabamians is a direct result of economic activity generated by the state’s forestry industry.

Alabama Woods to Goods Week promotes the Yellowhammer State being the second-largest forest product manufacturer in the nation.

The week recognizes the impact of Alabama industry loggers, truck drivers, mill owners and employees, landowners, foresters and others who contribute daily to the industry.

Among the list of celebrations students and public officials will participate in includes mill tours, log site visits, forest product donations, a prescribed fire demonstration and other educational events. The events will highlight the forest industry’s environmental, community and economic impact.

To learn more about Alabama Woods to Goods Week and how you can participate visit, www.alwoodstogoods.com.

Dylan Smith is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL