WASHINGTON, D.C. — Newsmax has named has named Alabama’s own Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as the hardest working U.S. Senator in the country.
Newsmax determined the ranking by taking an anonymous poll of staffers and colleagues. “Whether it is jetting home on weekends, putting in long hours in Washington or on the campaign trail, or their political rise and survive, these 10, observers agree, have an excess of elbow grease,” the list says.
In earning his number one overall ranking, the political outlet said this about the Alabama Senator:
“When U.S. Attorney Jeff Sessions was blocked as George H.W. Bush’s nominee to the U.S. Court of Appeals, observers who wrote him off as “finished” didn’t reckon with the prosecutor’s ability to rebound. He got elected attorney general of Alabama, then won the seat of the Democratic senator who blocked him (Howell Heflin). These days, Sessions is his party’s hardest charger in the Senate on illegal immigration and a top advisor to Donald Trump.
Sessions has long been admired in the yellowhammer state, but has seen increasing national exposure in light of his strong support for GOP front-runner Donald Trump. He became the only sitting U.S. Senator to officially endorse the New York Billionaire at a massive Alabama event in late February.
A long-time advocate of strict immigration laws and “fair-trade”, Sessions was a natural fit for the Trump campaign and became his top National Security Advisor in March.
The close relationship that they two have developed led to speculation that Sessions could be a potential running mate. However, Sessions himself shut down those rumors yesterday by stating he did not see that as a possibility.
Nesmax’s entire top ten list of hardest working senators can be seen here.