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Alabama representatives on board as Trump allies push Senate to return power to the states

The United States Senate is under pressure from loyal Trump supporters to pass legislation that will return power to the states from anonymous bureaucrats in Europe and Washington, D.C., and representatives from Alabama are on board.

H.R. 4537, the International Insurance Standards Act, passed the House on July 10 by a bipartisan voice vote. Introduced in December by Reps. Sean Duffy (R-WI) and Denny Heck (D-WA), the bill is now awaiting action by the Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

The state-centric regulatory structure in the U.S. is considered to be one of the world’s strongest insurance regulatory systems. The American framework focuses on policyholder protection along with looking after the consumer, solvency, market-conduct and resolution.

“States’ rights have always been at the center of America’s insurance model,” a source close to the president said, via The Daily Wire. “We need to protect our state markets against international developments that could be harmful to our system. This bill does that, while putting America in a strong negotiating position with the rest of the world. It’s a great compliment to the President’s ongoing efforts to secure good deals on the world stage.”

Several Alabama Republicans were effusive in their support of returning power to the states from the federal government and global institutions.

“This was an important effort to protect U.S. insurers from one-size-fits-all capital and regulatory regimes agreed to overseas through international standard-setting bodies,” Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL-04) explained to Yellowhammer News. “I will continue working with my colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives to ensure our communities have a seat at the table in any international agreements on insurance regulation.”

“Congressman Byrne strongly supports efforts to return more authority to the states, as he believes states are more in tune with the needs of the people,” Seth Morrow, a spokesperson for Rep. Bradley Byrne (AL-01), said.

Emily Johnson, a spokesperson for Rep. Martha Roby (AL-02), said that “Representative Roby has always been a strong supporter of a limited federal government and states’ rights.”

Not only are Alabama’s Republican representatives supportive of returning power to the states, they are vocally supportive of President Trump in general as the midterms approach.

“Over the last year and a half, our unified Republican government has delivered meaningful results for the American people, and Representative Roby is eager to see the momentum continue,” Johnson told Yellowhammer. “That’s why she will continue to work with Republicans in Congress and the Trump Administration to get more conservative priorities over the finish line.”

Morrow also pointed out that Rep. Byrne is working with President Trump and Defense Secretary James Mattis to help rebuild America’s military, which is especially important for Alabamians given the state’s robust military footprint.

“Our economy is booming after the tax cuts legislation was signed into law,” Rep. Rogers (AL-03) said via a staff member.  “Unemployment is at a low 3.9 percent and Alabamians are bringing home more money each month.”

“I fully support President Trump and his America First agenda and have even introduced legislation to help build the border wall to help further his agenda with common-sense solutions,” Rep. Rogers concluded.

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