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U.S. Rep. Rogers: Shut down the Mueller witch hunt

Robert Mueller is running a witch hunt, not an investigation, and it needs to be shut down now.

As folks across East Alabama have seen on the news, after a year and $25 million of taxpayer money, the only real collusion uncovered was between the Clinton campaign and a small corrupt group in the FBI. The primary goals of this whole probe would appear to be the obstruction of President Trump’s ability to lead our nation and to nullify a lawful American election.

At this point in time, we stand exactly where we did a year ago.

We are no closer to establishing a connection between the Trump campaign and Russia than we were in 2016 because one doesn’t exist. Collusion is a cute buzz-word that sells papers and air-time for Fake News media, but the reality is that this investigation shines brightly as nothing more than a well-orchestrated political witch hunt.

In reality, if there was a true need to seek justice, why isn’t there a Special Counsel to investigate the plot to frame President Trump and the FBI and DOJ’s abuse of the FISA court? That is why I have joined a number of my colleagues on a resolution calling for the appointment of a second Special Counsel to truly seek justice.

The outrageous Mueller investigation is not only a politically motivated ruse against President Trump but has a greater impact of negatively affecting our nation and every American family.

The Fake News and the Washington swamp are obsessed with obstructing President Trump’s ability to lead at every turn and Mueller is perpetuating that obstruction.

Why are they doing this?

Just look at what has been accomplished in less than 18 months. We’ve passed the most comprehensive tax reform law in three decades. We’ve cut job-stifling regulations. The economy is booming. Unemployment is at historic lows. We are on the brink of historic talks with North Korea, destroying ISIS, standing up for our courageous ally Israel and much more.

All of these great things happened because of President Trump’s leadership. If the President could accomplish all this in the face of overwhelmingly biased sentiments, imagine what we could accomplish outside the burden of this witch hunt.

All this investigation has done is hurt Americans. It’s time it stops so the focus can be shifted back to making American great again.

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(U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers is a Republican from Saks.)

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