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Alabama House Republicans Help Pass Funding for Border Wall, Veterans, and National Defense

Alabama Congressman Bradley Byrne

The U.S. Congress passed a major piece of legislation today that authorizes spending for vital military, national security, border security, and veteran affairs funding—the Make America Secure Appropriations Act.

This Act also includes funding for three Littoral Combat Ships (LCS), which are built in-part by Austal USA in Mobile, Alabama. Earlier this month, the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which authorized the construction of these three LCS.

Additionally, the bill includes funding for border wall construction—a major priority of President Trump’s and the Republican-controlled Congress. Specifically, $1.57 billion was allocated to build the physical barrier along America’s southern border.

All of Alabama’s Republican Members of Congress voted for the bill, including Bradley Byrne, Martha Roby, Mike Rogers, Robert Aderholt, Mo Brooks, and Gary Palmer. The state’s only Democratic Member of Congress, Terri Sewell, voted against the measure.

Alabama Congressman Bradley Byrne outlined his support for the bill during a speech on the House floor. Excerpts from that speech include the following remarks by Congressman Byrne:

“Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of this rule and the underlying bill.   The Make America Secure Appropriations Act is all about protecting the American people and securing the homeland.

“Unfortunately, years of underfunding has severely hurt our military.  With this bill, we can make real progress toward rebuilding the military and adding more troops, sailors, airmen, and Marines to the force.

“Building on our pledge to boost the Navy to a 355 ship fleet, the bill funds 11 new ships. Included in this are three Littoral Combat Ships, of which the Independence class vessel is built by a fantastic workforce in Southwest Alabama….That’s not all the bill does. It also provides for our nation’s veterans – the very people who devoted their lives to protecting our country and the values we hold dear….Mr. Speaker, I am also pleased that this bill will allow us to begin increasing our nation’s border security in an effort to keep bad actors out of our country.

 The American people sent a strong message last November that they wanted a wall securing our southern border.  This bill will begin this process by providing over $1.5 billion requested by President Trump for physical barrier construction along the Southern border. 

“With this bill, we are sending a strong message to the world that America is not asleep.”

The important bill now moves to the U.S. Senate for consideration. If passed in the upper chamber, President Trump is expected to sign the bill immediately.


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