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Alabama GOP leaders respond to deadly Afghanistan terror attack, urge Biden to act swiftly

The deadliest terror attack on U.S. forces in a decade occurred when a suicide bomber killed 12 American service members on Thursday at Afghanistan’s Kabul airport. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has taken credit for the lethal strike.

U.S. intelligence has confirmed that ISIS-K, an affiliate of the Islamic State group, is responsible for the attack.

The fatal attacked waged by Islamist militants marks one of the deadliest assaults on American forces in the 20-year-long war.

Thursday’s tragic attack sparked intense reaction from Alabama’s Republican elected leaders.

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks), ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), said those responsible for American bloodshed should “have hell to pay.”

“I am praying for the families and loved ones of the brave and selfless U.S. service members who lost their lives and were injured in today’s terrorist attack at Hamid Karzai International Airport,” stated Rogers. “The selflessness of the U.S. service members working to evacuate U.S. citizens and Afghan allies cannot be understated – our troops embody the very best of what it means to be an American.”

He added, “President Biden needs to make it clear to the world that these terrorists, who attacked U.S. service members, will have hell to pay.”

Rogers concluded, “Finally, screw the deadline. The United States doesn’t take orders from terrorists – President Biden needs to do whatever it takes to get U.S. citizens out of Afghanistan.”

U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) took to social media to remember the sacrifice of those who were killed in the line of duty.

Tuberville’s tweeted, “Our fallen service members remained dedicated to their mission: helping defenseless people evacuate while surrounded by chaos. We mourn their lives and pray for the safety of all those serving in Afghanistan.”

U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl (R-Mobile) placed blame at the feet of President Joe Biden, saying the terrorist attack “was preventable.”

“Today, we witnessed tragedy in Afghanistan as multiple U.S. servicemembers and civilians were killed or injured at the hands of terrorists,” said Carl. “Our nation mourns these losses, and we are in prayer for their loved ones. President Biden’s foreign policy is disastrous. His involvement with the 2011 withdraw from Iraq created a power vacuum resulting in the growth of ISIS. Ten years later, President Biden’s foreign policy has once again made the world a more dangerous place by allowing terrorists in Afghanistan to target servicemembers and innocent civilians.”

“This failure was preventable, and nobody is to blame except for President Biden. President Biden must take decisive action now,” Carl concluded.

U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) took his criticism of Biden a step further, calling for the president’s resignation.

“President Biden has embarrassed America with his botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Now his decisions have led to dead Americans in Kabul. Biden should take responsibility for this disgrace and resign immediately,” Brooks tweeted.

U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) tweeted that his prayers are with the families of the slain Americans.

Shelby said on Twitter, “Deeply saddened by the attacks today in Kabul and the many U.S. servicemembers killed while heroically to protect citizens and allies. Praying for their families and loved ones during this time of tragedy, and for the safety of our forces still on the ground in Kabul.”

U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover), chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee, called the situation “infuriating” and called for the president to retaliate with “swiftness and force.”

“I am heartbroken and infuriated by the reports coming out of Afghanistan,” Palmer said. “President Biden’s incredibly stupid decision to set August 31st as the evacuation deadline, his failure to maintain control of Bagram Airbase, and his failure to secure exit routes for the safe and orderly evacuation of American citizens and Afghan allies have led to this tragedy. Over the last 18 months, no U.S. military members were killed, but today we have lost at least 12. This tragedy was preventable and unnecessary, and it is time for him President Biden and his administration to take full responsibility for it.”

He added, “Twelve American soldiers are now dead, yet the American people have had to wait hours to hear from the President. Whatever his message of condolences might be, it will ring hollow in the face of such incomprehensible incompetence. With our forces essentially surrounded by ISIS-K and the Taliban, President Biden needs to face the crisis head on and react with swiftness and force to make sure we get our people and our allies safely out.”

Gov. Kay Ivey took to social media to call for the Biden administration to evacuate Americans from the war-torn country “until everyone is home safely.”

The governor’s tweet reads, “I’m grieved to hear of the service members killed today in Afghanistan, and my thoughts and prayers are extended to their loved ones. Their sacrifice is not in vain. I urge [President Biden] to continue evacuations until everyone is home safely.”

UPDATE August 27, 9:40 a.m.:

U.S. Rep. Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) released a statement calling for Biden’s resignation.    

“Today is a painfully dark day in our nation’s history, and we are all experiencing a whirlwind of emotions as we helplessly watch the deadly situation in Afghanistan continue to deteriorate,” said Moore. “I ask all Americans to join me in praying for our countrymen and allies still trapped on the ground in Afghanistan. The United States has been delivered through many crises in our history, and I believe we will be again.”    

He added, “Unfortunately, President Biden’s stubborn refusal to take accountability for this deadly crisis and his inexplicably cavalier attitude toward this low point in American history gives me no confidence that this Administration possesses the leadership or priorities necessary to salvage this disastrous retreat and rescue either our stranded Americans or global reputation.”  

Moore concluded, “It is abundantly and agonizingly clear that drastic changes are needed throughout this Administration – beginning at the top. President Biden must acknowledge that he is not up to the task of serving as Commander-in-Chief of the greatest country in the free world, and he must step aside and allow new leadership to guide the United States through these perilous times.”

Dylan Smith is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL

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