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Alabama Farmers Federation announces fifth round of state legislature endorsements

The Alabama Farmers Federation (ALFA) on Monday announced additional endorsements of lawmakers seeking reelection to the state legislature.

The 350,000-member agriculture advocacy organization utilizes its political action committee, FarmPAC, in announcing its endorsements of candidates seeking public office.

The following candidates now officially hold an endorsement from FarmPAC:

  • State Sen. Clyde Chambliss (R-Prattville)
  • State Rep. Proncey Robertson (R-Mt. Hope)
  • State Rep. David Faulkner (R-Homewood)

Autauga County Farmers Federation president Van Smith asserted that Chambliss had “done an outstanding job” serving his constituents in the legislature’s upper chamber. He added, “He is a true public servant and stateman. It shows in his work and the representation he gives us.”

John Tucker, Lawrence County Farmers Federation president, proclaimed that Robertson “is a legislator who will represent the needs of agriculture and all of his constituents.” He further stated that the lawmaker “has a strong work ethic and a good record of service to District 7.”

Jefferson County Farmers Federation president Dr. Stevan Parsons indicated that Faulkner and the organization held shared values.

“Rep. Faulkner is a proven conservative, pro-business leader,” said Parsons. “He shares our values and ideals and will continue to represent us well in Montgomery.”

ALFA last week announced its fourth string of legislative endorsements. The previous three endorsement announcements can be found here, here and here. Additionally, the federation in September rolled out its endorsements of candidates seeking election to federal and statewide offices.

Dylan Smith is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL

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