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Alabama elected officials denounce breach of U.S. Capitol, violence on the Hill

The United States Capitol Building on Wednesday was breached by rioters with both chambers in session. President-elect Joe Biden has called the still ongoing events “insurrection.”

All rioters and demonstrators have been urged to leave the Capitol Hill area by President Donald J. Trump, along with other national Republican figureheads, including Vice President Mike Pence and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

The members of Alabama’s congressional delegation are currently unharmed as of this writing.

Yellowhammer State elected officials, in bipartisan manner, have called for peace and order.

RELATED: Alabama Republican Party ‘strongly condemns’ violence on Capitol Hill

“Americans have a right to protest, but violence is never the answer,” tweeted Congressman Jerry Carl (AL-01). “I’m praying for the safety of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and the law enforcement protecting us.”

Congressman Barry Moore (AL-02) said in a tweet, “Lawlessness and anarchy are never the answer. We are – and always will be – a nation of law and order. While I support Americans’ 1st Amendment rights, I strongly condemn any and all violence & fully support our brave Capitol Police and LEOs.”

The dean of Alabama’s House delegation, Congressman Robert Aderholt (AL-04), said in a statement, “I was on the House Floor this afternoon objecting to the electoral votes with many of my colleagues. We had to evacuate due to a security breach. I ask for your prayers during this time in our nation’s history. God has brought this nation through many dark days over the past 240 plus years. We have more times than not, been able to settle our disputes peaceably. I believe God will continue to guide and protect this nation. However, as a nation we need to seek his guidance in peace. He is in full control!”

“As strong supporter of Rule of Law, I hope EVERYONE who illegally breached Capitol is prosecuted to fullest extent of the law,” tweeted Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05). “Senseless. Achieves nothing productive.”

Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth (R-AL) said in a tweet, “We must remember that the GOP is the party of law and order, and protests, no matter how passionate, must always be peaceful. I pray that order will soon be restored at the U.S. Capitol and that the police officers working to end the chaos will remain safe.”

Follow the Capitol Hill situation live here.

UPDATE: 6:20 p.m.

Congressman Gary Palmer (AL-06) tweeted, “Thank you to all who have reached out with concern for my staff and me. We are safe and grateful for our dedicated Capitol Police. Please join me in praying for the healing of our country. This is a sad day for everyone and the scenes we witnessed today were unacceptable.”

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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