MONTGOMERY, Ala. — The Alabama Attorney General’s office on Friday announced that concealed carry permit holders in the Yellowhammer State are no longer required to undergo additional background checks each time they purchase a firearm.
The U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has agreed to the state’s request for an exemption to the mandatory National Instant Criminal Background Check provided the Alabama concealed carry permit was issued on or after August 1, 2013, and within the past five years by the state, and that the permit has not expired under state law.
“I’m pleased that the ATF has approved my request to exempt Alabama conceal carry permit holders from having to undergo additional background checks each time they want to buy a firearm,” said Attorney General Luther Strange. “Alabama concealed carry permit holders in good standing have already passed a background check and there is no need to force them to submit to additional checks if they intend to buy a firearm within five years of receiving their permit.”
Alabama now joins 23 other states given NICS exemptions for concealed carry permit holders.