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Alabama child’s lemonade stand reported to Department of Labor

When eight year old Cam Johnson and his mother, Cristal opened up a lemonade stand to raise money for a trip to Disney World they experienced some surprising pushback from their community.

That pushback came in the form of a call from the Alabama Department of Labor after a complaint was filed about Cam’s lemonade stand. The complaint, filed anonymously, accused Cristal of violating child labor laws by allowing her son to operate the stand.

Cristal, in an interview with Fox News, called the complaint “sad”.

“Needless to say, I was very shocked and saddened by the fact that anyone found wrong in what I was trying to do,” she said.

“I was trying to do a good thing, give back to my community and to find out that someone insinuated that I was trying to labor minors, that was…it was pretty sad.”

She also made sure to thank the person who complained.

“Thank you,” Cristal said. “Because of that person, it had the opposite effect of what they were trying to do. It propelled us even quicker in our endeavor. So I don’t harbor any ill will. I thank them and I hope they have some remorse themselves for doing what they did.”

Austen Shipley is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News.

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