Alabama business development groups launch workplace health survey

A number of groups that aim to improve the business climate in Alabama are requesting responses to a survey on workplace health.

Any employed person in the state of Alabama can take the survey here.

“Our state’s labor force is the cornerstone of workforce development efforts, and this survey will help promote a healthier workplace and workforce that will continue to drive our 21st century economy,” said Alabama Workforce Council chairman Tim McCartney.

The study is being hosted on the University of Alabama’s website. The school is partnering with Governor Kay Ivey’s office, the Alabama Workforce Council, AlabamaWorks, the Alabama Department of Mental Health, Business Council of Alabama and Manufacture Alabama.

The groups say the survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. Results will be used to inform policymakers and key business decision-makers around Alabama.

According to AlabamaWorks, “Mental illness and substance use disorders are well-established drivers of disability, mortality and healthcare costs for employers. On average, Americans who work fulltime spend more than one-third of their day, 5 days a week, at their workplace.”

“Workplace programs that promote and protect health, reduce safety risks and help prevent disease could reach more than 157 million US workers. A healthier workforce can mean lower direct costs, such as insurance premiums and workers’ compensation claims, and lower indirect costs if workers miss less work because of illness,” the organization added.

The survey will be open for respondents from 10:30 am July 27, 2020, through 5:00 p.m. on August 31, 2020.

Henry Thornton is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can contact him by email: [email protected] or on Twitter @HenryThornton95