AL-5 hopeful Casey Wardynski offers defense of Trump over Capitol riot — ‘The wrong January 6 investigations are underway’

On the anniversary of the January 6, 2021, Capitol Hill incident, Casey Wardynski, candidate for Alabama’s fifth congressional district, offered his perspective of the events that occurred and leading up to that day.

Wardynski served as the assistant secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs in the administration of former President Donald Trump.

Media pundits, along with the national left, have largely placed blame at the former president’s feet for the events that took place. Wardynski joined WVNN’s “The Yaffee Program” on Thursday to push back against what he suggested to be the false narrative surrounding what transpired as Congress was set to consider the certification of the 2020 presidential election.

According to Wardynski, senior defense officials wanted the military to take a hands-off approach concerning security preparation for January 6. He indicated that Trump’s concerns relating to security matters were brushed off by authorities.

“The military didn’t want anything to do with prepositioning forces to be ready for January 6. The Army runs the inauguration, which was going to be on the 20th of January, so plenty of opportunities to prepare to have forces ready,” advised the retired colonel. “They didn’t want that. The D.C. civil authorities said, ‘Hey they’ve got it under control, we don’t need the Army.’ Army senior leaders in uniform said they didn’t want anything to do with it. President Trump wanted the Army to be prepared, [Secretary of Defense] Miller wanted to be prepared and they got constant pushback.”

He added, “January 6 arrives, the D.C. police are totally unprepared and they said they had it. The Capitol police are totally unprepared and they said they had it. The Army Guard was prepositioned with their quick reaction force at Andrews Air Force Base ready to go and within two hours they were on their way from the request from Capitol police for their assistance.”

The fifth congressional district candidate dismissed the notion that what took place at the Capitol was an attempted insurrection against the federal government.

“But by then, things had gotten off the chain and what you have is a riot. And now, they’re trying to conflate it into an overthrow of the government, which is just nonsense,” proclaimed Wardynski. “That’s just B.S. The people who were in the Capitol were protected and taken away before they got there and other places. The president was safe in the White House. He’d asked people to stand down through tweets.”

Wardynski went on to note the suspicion of some who suggest the FBI could have embedded instigators within the crowd of protestors.

“We have yet to find out if there were provocateurs in there in place by God knows who. There are allegations, you know, that in various sources the FBI had provocateurs in the crowd. And so, the wrong January 6 investigations are underway,” suggested Wardynski. “It’s ‘what did everyone know, what did everybody want to do, and what did they fail to do in way of protecting the Capitol and protecting our seat of government?’”

Dylan Smith is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL