Ainsworth: Biden’s vaccine-passport plan ‘expected in Socialist and totalitarian countries’

Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth (R-AL) is speaking out after reports surfaced Monday that President Joe Biden’s administration is working on a national COVID-19 vaccine-passport program.

Through the potential program, proof of vaccination could be required for international travel or for entry into sports arenas, music venues, restaurants and more. CNN reported that vaccine passports could also be required to return to in-person work.

“Biden could soon require ‘vaccine passports’ for entry to sports arenas, music venues, or restaurants,” Ainsworth tweeted. “This is expected in Socialist and totalitarian countries, but they must not stand in a nation founded upon freedom, liberty, and personal responsibility.”

RELATED: How to find your nearest COVID-19 vaccine provider in Alabama

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn