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AG on Biden ‘radical’ gender agenda: ‘State sovereignty isn’t for sale’

In July, the Biden administration announced federal dollars could be withheld from public school programs in states that fail to adhere to its progressive gender ideology.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced its guidance under the administration’s reformed Title IX policy, which would take aim at lunch programs for schools that bar males from participating in female sports and have gender-specific bathrooms.

Needy children who attend Alabama schools could see their food nutritional assistance withheld under the reformed guidelines. Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall, along with 21 other state attorneys general, have filed suit against the administration’s new policies.

In a Thursday appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Fox and Friends First,” Marshall outlined his office’s efforts to ensure Alabama was shielded from the Biden administration’s guidelines.

RELATED: AG Marshall: Biden is advancing a ‘radical agenda’ on ‘the backs of children’

“Well I think very clearly that state sovereignty isn’t for sale, and for us particularly in Alabama,” said Marshall. “We see this administration take aim at very sensible federal programs and the states they’re a part of, and use those programs to enforce gender ideology…”

The Biden administration acted “beyond their authority” in issuing the gender policy guidelines, according to Marshall.

“[W]e have a broader obligation to our citizens to make sure we’re enforcing Alabama policy,” he said. “Clearly this administration is acting beyond their authority by attempting to impose their specific agenda that they can’t do at the ballot box in Alabama. We believe these programs can continue — that they’ll be able to use the efforts that we have in the past to implement these programs cooperatively, but not bowing to the Biden administration’s decision to have genderless schools which we’ve specifically rejected.”

Marshall said his office would continue to combat the administration’s reformed Title IX policy, which attempts to allow biological males to compete in female sports.

“We want women to have opportunities in athletics. And clearly this administration is ignoring the progress that we’ve made historically there,” he said. “But the people of Alabama have spoken very clearly here on both of those issues. No. 1: We’re going to make sure that gender-specific sports, that you’re going to play with the gender that God created you as. And second: We’re going to maintain gender-specific bathrooms. This administration, through the use of federal dollars, essentially forces states to comply with their agenda.

“But we think that’s wrong and we’re going to continue to fight it.”

RELATED: COVID-19 mandate and federal overreach crusader: AG Steve Marshall

Alabama’s chief law enforcement officer predicted Democrats would struggle in November’s general elections due to the administration’s progressive social agenda.

“The people of this country, I believe, are waking up to see the radical nature of what this administration is attempting to do, particularly involving our children. And I think there’s going to be a rejection of that at the ballot box,” concluded Marshall.

Dylan Smith is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL

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