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7 Things: Mueller’s first sentencing, Battle hits Ivey over debates, Nick Saban is worth every penny, and more …

1. Special Counsel Robert Mueller gets his first sentence in the Russia probe, it’s 30 days for lying to investigators

— An attorney from London, Alex van der Zwaan, was sentenced to serve 30 days in prison for lying to the FBI about his contacts and destroying emails the special counsel’s office had requested.

— van der Zwaan was a business associate of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates. He did not work on the campaign.

2. Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle strikes out at Governor Kay Ivey for not debating, absurd choices made for debates

— Multiple media outlets, not including Yellowhammer News, have scheduled a debate for April 18th and Gov. Ivey will not be attending.

— Internal polling places the Governor at above 50 percent in the GOP primary with her opponents wallowing in the teens and single-digits.

3. Every year we hear about Nick Saban being the highest-paid public employee, he deserves it

— Saban makes $11.1 million a year, the 2nd-highest paid public employee in the nation is Kentucky’s basketball coach John Calapari, who makes $7.75 million.

— The 35 highest paid, of the top paid in each state, are all coaches and most bring in far more than their salaries to their universities.
4. Shooting at YouTube appears to be the work of a woman and appears to be about YouTube videos

— A woman shot three people at random Tuesday at the YouTube headquarters and then took her own life.

— Only eight of the 230 mass shooting events since 2002 have been carried out by women.

5. A white nationalist will be speaking at the University of Alabama and the president, correctly, says to ignore it

— The university’s Students for America First group invited Jared Taylor, a self-identified white nationalist, to speak about diversity.

— President Stuart Bell said two very important things, “This ideology is counter to our institutional values” and “the best way to demonstrate distaste for hateful dialogue is not to give it an audience”.

6.  Mexico says it will stop the caravan of illegals after Trump Tweets about it

— After criticism from President Trump, Mexican authorities have stopped a group of illegals who were marching from Mexico’s southern border to the United States, some will be deported.

— Mexican authorities issued temporary papers to some in the group; they told the Washington Post that they will continue towards the United States to seek asylum.

7. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker says there is a blue wave coming after another electoral loss shifts the WI court

— Liberal Rebecca Dallet crushed conservative Michael Screnock in the race for a 10-year term on the state’s high court; the court now has a Democrat majority.

— Walker Tweeted, “Tonight’s results show we are at risk of a #BlueWave in WI. The Far Left is driven by anger & hatred — we must counter it with optimism & organization.”

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