Extreme vetting of gun buyers would not have stopped the situation in Sutherland Springs, Texas, President Trump told a news conference in South Korea on Tuesday.
The gunman who killed 26 people passed a background check to purchase four guns in a four-year period because information about his domestic violence convictions did not make it into the national criminal database. That’s because the Air Force failed to send the information to the FBI.
An NBC reporter asked Trump on Tuesday if the same “extreme vetting” measure he’s recommended for immigrants should be applied to American gun buyers.
“If you did what you’re suggesting (extreme vetting), there would have been no difference three days ago. And you might not have had that very brave person, who happened to have a gun or a rifle in his truck, go out and shoot him and hit him and neutralize him.
“And I can only say this, if he (Good Samaritan Stephen Willeford) didn’t have a gun, instead of having 26 dead, you would have had hundreds more dead. So that’s the way I feel about it. It’s not going to help.”
The president pointed to Chicago which he called a “total disaster,” despite its strict gun laws.
“And just remember, if this man (Willeford) didn’t have a gun or a rifle, you’d be talking a much worse situation in the great state of Texas.”
(Courtesy of CNSNews.com)