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Pro-life leaders rally, calling on the state to shut down Birmingham Planned Parenthood clinic

(CEC For Life)


Leaders of various state and national pro-life groups conducted a “Rally at the RSA” on the steps of Alabama’s Department of Public Health in Montgomery Friday, calling on the department to revoke its license of operation for Planned Parenthood of Birmingham.

The details:

— The rally is part of the Charismatic Episcopal Church’s (CEC) “Birmingham Babies Deserve Better” campaign, calling for the state to intervene and shut down the Planned Parenthood clinic.

— An ADPH inspection last year found that the clinic had been failing to adequately sterilize medical equipment and document fetal viability, among other things.

— Fr. Terry Gensemer, director of CEC For Life, argues that the department is failing to enforce state laws by re-licensing Planned Parenthood.

— “State agencies like the ADPH are created to protect the life of citizens, not subpar abortion facilities,” Fr. Gensemer said in a statement to Christian News Wire..

— “This Planned Parenthood has a documented history of ignoring state laws and harming women, yet it continues to be relicensed year after year.”

— Gensemer was joined by leaders of Alabama-based groups such as The Adoption Law Firm, Bound4Life Birmingham, 40 Days for Life Montgomery, as well as Atlanta-based group The Restoration Project.

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