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Jeff Sessions’ farewell speech receives a standing ovation

Though he faced a contentious confirmation process, now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions received a warm farewell from his colleagues in the U.S. Senate. Following his final address as a senator on Wednesday, the Mobile native received a standing ovation.

Jeff Sessions was confirmed as the next U.S. Attorney General by a vote almost along party lines. One Democrat, Sen. Joe Manchin (D- W. Va.) crossed the aisle to help Republicans approve Sessions’ nomination. He resigned his office Wednesday at 11:55 p.m.

His nomination spurred 30 hours of debate in the final days before he received final approval.

“I appreciate the president and his confidence in me,” Sessions said in his final speech. “By your vote I have been given a real challenge. I’ll do my best to be worthy of it.”

During his remarks, he encouraged his Senate colleagues to find unity and focus on the common ground that both parties shared.

“I don’t think we have such a classical disagreement that we can’t work together,” Sessions said. “I’ve always tried to keep my disagreements from being personal. I’ve always tried to be courteous to my colleagues.”

Throughout the weeks leading up to his confirmation, the former Alabama Senator faced waves of debunked attacks on his character. He expressed hope that future confirmation processes did not have to exhibit similar rancor.

“I would say what would be my prayer for this body is that in the future maybe the intensity of the last few weeks would die down and maybe somehow we get along better,” he said.

The White House swore in Sessions on Thursday morning.

“A new era of justice begins,” Trump said as Sessions was sworn in. “And it begins right now.”

“Mr. President, I thank you for this great honor,” Sessions said. “It’s something that I never thought would happen in my life.’

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