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Breaking: State Rep. Barry Moore Announces Run for U.S. Congress

In breaking news, State Representative Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) announced his run today at noon for the United States Congress in Alabama’s 2nd congressional district. In the Republican primary this summer, Rep. Moore will face incumbent Congresswoman Martha Roby.

Just before his announcement, he granted Yellowhammer an exclusive interview, the first question of which was what prompted him to declare. Rep. Moore answered that it was a matter of prayer and people in the district appealing to him to run.

I knew I wasn’t going to run again for my House seat in Montgomery, Moore said, and quite honestly, my plan was to return to Enterprise and just manage my businesses. However, the sheer number of people asking me to run forced me to consider it, and after my wife and I began to pray about this, we strongly sensed God prompting me to do so.

Representative Moore also spoke about his record as a staunch conservative in the Alabama House, commenting:

I think because my track record shows that I’m one of the most conservative legislators in the state of Alabama, and because I was one of the first people in the state to support President Trump, it gives me a platform of proven, conservative leadership. Also, because Congresswoman Roby, whom I sincerely like, wasn’t inclined to support the President in his election, the people in our district seemed especially motivated to approach me about this after he won the Presidency last November. Again, at the end of the day, I believe this is what I’m supposed to be obedient to God—to make myself available to serve, should the people of my district entrust me with this office.

When asked what issues he deemed most important to address in the U.S. Congress, Moore listed several, including fully repealing ObamaCare and continuing to reform the tax code.

The President is taking very meaningful steps to make our taxes more tolerable, he said. However, I think our overall tax system penalizes those who take risks, make investments, and create jobs. If America continues to penalize success and reward failure, it will only perpetuate more failure. That’s something, I’d like to change, Moore concluded.

I also asked Rep. Moore if he’d join the House Freedom Caucus if elected to the Congress, and he said he would, but also said because he was an early ally of President Trump’s, it gives him credibility and a voice to address important issues Alabamians face, like continued healthcare reforms.

As I’ve said before, ‘the President can throw the ball down field, but he can’t catch it too’ and if the voters send me to Washington, I’m someone the President can trust to truly advance his agenda in Congress, because I was with him from the very early days of his campaign.

Asked if there are any other issues that truly motivate him, Rep. Moore was quick to say that caring for those serving in our military and our veterans is always of utmost importance.

I come from a long line of military servicemen. My grandfather fought in Korea, my Dad was in the Guard, my brother’s a retired Marine, and I was in the Army National Guard as well and served on the Ranger Challenge team at Auburn. Having Fort Rucker right here in my district, and Maxwell Air Force Base in this congressional district, my whole life I’ve watched men and women come home from defending their country. In fact, as a kid, my heart was deeply marked by seeing Vietnam vets come home to a country that callously turned their back on them. That was so disturbing to me, and tragic, that it built a deep passion in me to do everything I possibly can to make sure that we care for those who sacrifice so much for us, Moore said.

In 2014, I was given the opportunity to stay on the powerful Rules Committee in the Alabama House or become Chairman of the Military & Veterans Committee. Staying on the Rules Committee would’ve been the politically savvy thing to do, as it affords House Members a great deal of influence. But when I thought of scorned those Vietnam vets, I knew where my heart was, and that was doing all I could to care for our veterans. For that reason, I let go of my seat on Rules for to chair Military & Veterans Affairs and I’ve not regretted it for one moment. In the Alabama House, I’ve been blessed to be able to make a difference for those serving in our military and I’ll continue to do everything in my power for them if the citizens of 2nd district send me to Congress.

Representative Moore is launching his Congressional campaign immediately, and he invited voters to learn more at his website, barrymooreforcongress.com.

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