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Alabama Congressmen support bill to eliminate Supreme Court’s ObamaCare exemption

Health Insurance
WASHINGTON — After last week’s confirmation of ObamaCare by the U.S. Supreme Court, some Republican members of Congress are backing legislation that would require the Court’s Justices and their staffs to reap what they sowed; and Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL5) has signed on as a co-sponsor.

Featuring in its title Justice Antonin Scalia’s now-famous quip, the 3-page SCOTUScare Act of 2015, requires U.S. Supreme Court Justices and their staffers to give up their federal plans purchase their insurance through the ObamaCare exchange.

“In yet another judicial power grab, the Supreme Court recently declared itself both supreme jurists and America’s supreme Congress,” said Rep. Brooks in a press release announcing his support of the bill. “Justice Antonin Scalia was spot on when he said in his dissenting opinion that, ‘Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is “established by the State.”’ The Supreme Court expressly rewrote the law, binding Americans, by judicial decree, into an expensive government-run health care system from which the justices and their staff are exempt.

“America has been forced to endure declining health care quality, skyrocketing health insurance premiums, and lost jobs because of ObamaCare,” Brooks continued. “What is good for the goose is good for the gander. If the Supreme Court, by judicial decree, is going to ignore the Constitution and unambiguous written law in order to force ObamaCare on America, then Congress should force ObamaCare on the Supreme Court. Perhaps the Supreme Court’s zeal for ObamaCare will then become more rational.”

Most members of Congress and their staffers are already required to purchase (with an additional premium contribution from the federal government) their healthcare through ObamaCare exchanges, while most federal employees—including judicial and executive employees—receive their employer-sponsored insurance through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

“No one in our country should ever be above the law, and that’s why I believe the Supreme Court Justices and their staff should be required to purchase insurance plans through the Obamacare exchanges,” Congressman Byrne told Yellowhammer.  “I believe the more people interact with this law, the less popular the law becomes. That’s why I will continue pushing for a full repeal of this failed law.”

The bill’s sponsor, Congressman Brian Babin (R-TX), says it’s time to even the playing field for the Court making decisions about the healthcare law with such long-reaching impacts.

“As the Supreme Court continues to ignore the letter of the law, it’s important that these nine individuals understand the full impact of their decisions on the American people,” said Babin. “By eliminating their exemption from Obamacare, they will see firsthand what the American people are forced to live with!”

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