Ferguson, Mo., has descended into chaos after a police officer shot and killed an unarmed teenager Saturday night. As tempers continued to run hot on Wednesday, police hit the streets in riot gear, spraying rubber bullets and releasing tear gas.
The gentleman on the left has more personal body armor and weaponry than I did while invading Iraq. pic.twitter.com/5u6TxyIbkk
— Brandon Friedman (@BFriedmanDC) August 14, 2014
Two national reporters, Wesley Lowery of the Washington Post and Ryan Reilly of the Huffington Post, were detained by police in a bizarre episode that unfolded in a local McDonald’s. The two reporters were working on their laptops in the restaurant when police came in and began telling people to leave.
Here’s how it unfolded on Twitter in real-time:
SWAT just invade McDonald's where I'm working/recharging. Asked for ID when I took photo. pic.twitter.com/FOIsMnBwHy
— Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) August 13, 2014
Police come into McD where me and @ryanjreilly working. Try to kick everyone out.
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) August 13, 2014
The two reporters, who had been non-stop tweeting the scene in Ferguson for hours, suddenly went dark, followed just minutes later by this tweet from Guardian reporter Jon Swaine…
Two reporters just cuffed and put in cop can outside Ferguson McDonald's where @WesleyLowery said he and @ryanjreilly were working
— Jon Swaine (@jonswaine) August 13, 2014
…And then this tweet from L.A. Times national reporter Matt Pearce about a half hour later:
I just called Ferguson police chief to ask about @WesleyLowery and @ryanjreilly, told him what I knew. His response: "Oh, God."
— Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) August 14, 2014
The two reporters were ultimately released.
Ferguson chief tells me @WesleyLowery and @ryanjreilly's arresters were "probably somebody who didn't know better."
— Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) August 14, 2014
Released without any charges, no paperwork whatsoever
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) August 14, 2014
But in addition to the two reporters, St. Louis alderman (like a city councilman) Antonio French was also arrested under circumstances that are still unclear. French is a graduate of Auburn University and is currently the Alderman of the 21s Ward in St. Louis.
French had been documenting the protests and police response on Twitter and Vine for the last several days. Shortly before his arrest, he sent a flurry of tweets, including this one:
Happening now in #Ferguson https://t.co/kUGwMiY8ia
— Antonio French (@AntonioFrench) August 14, 2014
As news of his arrest spread online, protestors marched on the jail demanding his release.
Antonio French has been arrested and we are currently at the Ferguson jail demanding his release https://t.co/Vyij0i3oqx
— Tef Poe/FootKlan (@TefPoe) August 14, 2014
And the last tweet of Wednesday night came from French’s wife, who said she was still unsure what he was being charged with.
@AntonioFrench being booked now. Not sure what the charge is yet. Was ordered out of his car and arrested because he "didn't listen".
— Senka (@senka) August 14, 2014
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